Questioner: Thomas

I live with my wife in a house that we bought. Now the Belgian tax authorities are asking for proof of occupancy from me and my wife.

This is not about the document that I can obtain at the immigration office, but a document that states who the residents of the house are.

Reaction Lung Addie

To meet the tax authorities' demands, the best thing you can do is:

You both register with the Ampheu of the district where you live. Then you can immediately obtain proof of occupancy there. This will of course be in Thai. You then have this document translated and legalized and send it to the tax authorities.

The purpose of this question is:

Proof that you 'both' are indeed living together. This is for the treatment of your tax assessment as a single or married person.

If you do not provide this proof, you will be taxed as a single person, which would mean a much higher assessment.

Immigration cannot issue such a document because your Thai spouse is not registered there. Only Ampheu can deliver this if you are both registered.

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