Питање за визу за Тајланд бр. 348/22: Бордеррун Лаос

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Испитивач: Кхун Моо

Да ли су граничне вожње до Лаоса већ могуће? И ако јесте, да ли постоје неки посебни захтеви за Цовид осим доказљивих вакцинација? Надамо се да није обавезан боравак од 10 дана у посебном хотелу?

Реацтион РонниЛатИа

Volgens mij zijn de grensposten met Laos normaal weer open. Sinds mei al dacht ik.

Wat de eisen zijn moet je eens op internet zoeken. Ik weet die ook niet van alle landen.

Kijk o.a. hier eens


Misschien zijn er lezers die er onlangs geweest zijn?

 – Имате ли питање за визу за Ронија? Искористи то контакт! -

1 reactie op “Thailand Visa vraag Nr 348/22: Borderrun Laos”

  1. кһун моо каже горе

    Na het zoeken op een 5 tal sites toch nog informatie gevonden.

    The country officially dropped Covid-19 entry restrictions for fully vaccinated tourists from Monday, 9 May 2022. Unvaccinated visitors must produce a Rapid Antigen Test issued within 48 hours of leaving their origin country. Tourists will also have to pay for their own medical treatment should they become Covid-19 positive. Treatment can be obtained at state and private hospitals, while self-isolation and self-care is another option.

    All international checkpoints will be open for entry and exit by Lao citizens, foreign residents, tourists, and other types of visitors.

    Citizens of countries that have bilateral or unilateral visa waiver agreements with Laos may now enter Laos without the need for a visa.

    Citizens of countries that do not have a visa waiver agreement with Laos may now apply for a visa at a Lao embassy or consulate abroad or via the e-Visa online system. Visa on arrivals will also be reinstated at certain international checkpoints.

    Fully vaccinated foreigners or Lao citizens carrying a vaccination certificate may enter Laos without any screening or testing for Covid-19 when arriving by land, air, or water.

    Non-vaccinated citizens of Laos, foreigners, or residents aged 12 years and over must take a Rapid Antigen Test (ATK) not more than 48 hours prior to departure and present the results upon arrival.

    Foreign arrivals in Laos that become infected with Covid-19 must bear responsibility for any and all medical costs involved in treatment.

    Private vehicles may now enter and exit the territory of Laos via checkpoints as prior to the pandemic. Guidelines regarding this measure will be drafted and publicized by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport.


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