Com a KLM de Bangkok para Amsterdã de 22.215 bahts

Por Editorial
Publicado em Passagens aéreas
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25 fevereiro 2016

Qualquer pessoa que queira voar da Tailândia para a Holanda nos meses de verão, por exemplo, para visitar a família, agora pode reservar passagens baratas com a KLM.

Zo kan je nu in mei en juni voor 22.215 baht een retourticket boeken inclusief belastingen en toeslagen.

Meer informatie en boeken: KLM

Bijzonderheden KLM tickets Bangkok naar Amsterdam

  • Book and issue: now – 29 February 2016.
  • Travel period: 20 February – 30 June 2016.
  • Taxes & surcharges are included and may vary due to currency fluctuation. Please check for exact fares and conditions at time of booking. Minimum stay: 5 Days. Maximum stay: 2 Months.
  • Change of reservation is not permitted. Ticket is non refundable.
  • 1 Free stopover in Amsterdam is allowed in each direction.
  • Single/double open jaw is permitted.
  • Terms and conditions apply. KLM reserves the right to change terms and conditions without prior choice.

Fonte: site da KLM Tailândia

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