Kalayan KLM ti Bangkok ka Amsterdam tina 22.215 baht

Ku Redaksi
Geplaatst dina Tikét maskapai
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Pébruari 25 2016

Anu hoyong ngapung ti Thailand ka Walanda dina usum panas, contona pikeun kunjungan kulawarga, ayeuna tiasa mesen tiket murah sareng KLM.

Zo kan je nu in mei en juni voor 22.215 baht een retourticket boeken inclusief belastingen en toeslagen.

Meer informatie en boeken: KLM

Bijzonderheden KLM tickets Bangkok naar Amsterdam

  • Book and issue: now – 29 February 2016.
  • Travel period: 20 February – 30 June 2016.
  • Taxes & surcharges are included and may vary due to currency fluctuation. Please check for exact fares and conditions at time of booking. Minimum stay: 5 Days. Maximum stay: 2 Months.
  • Change of reservation is not permitted. Ticket is non refundable.
  • 1 Free stopover in Amsterdam is allowed in each direction.
  • Single/double open jaw is permitted.
  • Terms and conditions apply. KLM reserves the right to change terms and conditions without prior choice.

Bron: website KLM Thailand

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