Accipe extra XV% discount si volatus ex Qatar Airlines libri ante XXIX Martii! Discount est de oeconomia et tesserarum genere negotiatorum.

Qatar est 5 stella porttitor et id copia legroom in Boeing 777-300 significat, cum qua Amstelodami et optimae dapes et potus advolant.

Voer de promotiecode FLYQRNOW in wanneer je boekt op en bespaar tot 15% op Economy- en Business Class-vluchten. Deze speciale aanbieding eindigt op 29 maart 2018 en is geldig voor reizen tot 10 december 2018.

Plura et libri: Qatar Airlines porttitor turpis

specialibus rebus habent

  • In order to be eligible for this offer, you must book a Qatar Airways flight commencing from Amsterdam between 12 and 29 March 2018.
  • Applicable for travel from 12 March to 10 December 2018.
  • Offer valid on flights commencing from Amsterdam to Bangkok, Pattaya en Chiang Mai.
  • Offer valid only on online booking through
  • Discount applies to base fare only of regular fare classes.
  • Discount does not apply to taxes and all other surcharges.
  • Seats are limited and subject to availability.
  • Qatar Airway’s terms and conditions will also apply to your booking, please review these at the time of booking.

Source: Qatar Airlines website

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