Melder: Bernold

Tailandiako enbaxadari nire emaztearengana joan nahi dudala jakinarazteko mezu elektronikoari erantzunez jaso dut.

– A certificate of Entry (CoE) is required if you wish to enter the Kingdom of Thailand at the moment.  If you wish to submit the documentations for such request, please follow the following steps:

1. urratsa: dokumentu hauek biltzea:

  1. A cover letter indicates the necessity and urgency to enter the Kingdom of Thailand.
  2. A copy of marriage certificate (Thai certificate or an International extract from local municipality)
  3. A copy of passport of an application and a copy of Thai National ID card of spouse
  4. A valid health insurance policy covering all expenditures of medical treatment, including COVID-19 worth at least 100,000 USD (a statement in English)
  5. the Declaration form (in an attachment)

Goian adierazitako beharrezko dokumentu guztiak badituzu, hitzordua eskatu dezakezu 0703450766 219. zenbakian.

2. urratsa: Goiko dokumentuekin, Enbaxadak eskaera Ministerioari bidaliko dio aintzat har dezan, onartuz gero. 3. urratsean jakinarazi eta dokumentu gehiago eskatuko dizugu.

Step3: After receiving the Below mentioned documents from you, the Embassy will issue the CoE for you.  The issuance of a visa could be accepted (if necessary) at this step.

  1. completed Declaration Form (you will receive the form AFTER the permission has been granted by MFA)
  2. a proof of confirmation that ASQ (Alternative State Quarantine) has been arranged.

(for more details: for more details:

  1. a confirmed plane ticket  (if your flight is cancelled, you will need a new COE and yes, you may need a new fit-to-fly health certificate if the one you have no longer meet the 72 hrs requirement.)
  2. a fit-to-fly health certificate issued no longer than 72 hrs. before departure
  3. a COVID-Free Health Certificate issued no longer than 72 hrs. before departure

Gainera, 14 egunez koarentena jarri behar dudala nire kontura...

Erreakzioa RonnyLatYa

Dit werd aanvankelijk geplaatst als reactie op een ander artikel door Bernold, waarvoor dank. Ik vermoed dat deze info afkomstig is van de Thaise Ambassade in Den Haag, maar de werkwijze zal in de Ambassade in Brussel niet zoveel afwijken vermoed ik.

Ik vond, gezien de info, het misschien beter was om er meteen een TB Immigration Info Brief van te maken.  Zo vindt men het gemakkelijker terug nadien en heeft men meteen ook eventuele aanvullende info van de lezers.

 Oharra: "Erreakzioak oso ongi etorriak dira gaiari buruz, baina mugatu zaitez hemen" TB Immigrazioaren Infobrief honen gaira. Beste galderarik baduzu, gairen bat landuta ikusi nahi baduzu edo irakurleentzako informazioa baduzu, editoreei bidali diezaiekezu beti. Horretarako bakarrik erabili Eskerrik asko zure ulermenagatik eta lankidetzagatik”



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