Questioner: Bing

Since 2019, my non-O visa expires on October 14th. Check my passport today and the annual renewal now expires on November 14th.

What is the advice, keep October or November?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

In principle you are now entitled to stay until November 14. After all, that's what it says in your passport. Well let you notice that. Suppose it had said August 14th….

I immediately look at my passport as soon as I get it back and check on the spot whether there are any errors. That can be resolved quite quickly. Even if that mistake is in my favor. By the way, I advise everyone to check that immediately. Also upon entering the airport.

I cannot say why it is now November 14 instead of October 14. I have not received any other information from you and my guess is that the IO made a mistake about the month.

Wat nu?

What I would personally do, and to avoid any arguments in the immigration office, is to start submitting the next extension application on October 12 or 13.

– Or they say you are too early if your immigration office holds for 30 days and then you have to come back later.

– Or they say nothing and accept your request. Maybe they will accept it 45 days in advance anyway. Your next extension will then run until November 14, 24.

In any case, you know that they will continue to observe November 14 in the future. But there may well be an asshole there who notices that you were actually wrongly given a 13-month extension last time (perhaps it was him or her) and still wants to correct that mistake by only giving you an 11-month extension. You will see it on your annual extension, which will then run until October 14, 24.

But I think that in the future people will simply keep November 14th. In any case, you will always be on time to apply for your extension in the above cases.

– Because you could also say that your passport says until November 14th and that you should therefore renew it before November 14th. If you submit the application after October 14, you will still be perfectly on time. But maybe you will run into that same idiot who says that you should have known that the maximum was one year and you should have reported that error.

One could then take it that far by saying that you will be in overstay from October 14 and you cannot extend it anymore.

So I think it's better to play it safe and go on October 12 or 13. Then you will definitely be on time.

Many will now say that it is immigration's fault and not your fault and that immigration should take responsibility for that fault. That is of course true and I think so too, but don't get into that discussion. It's not worth it at all. After all, you haven't suffered any losses yet.

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