Questioner: Jan

I am retired and would like to stay in Thailand for a longer period of time. I always read the deposit of monthly amounts or 65.000 baht, this must be proven with a possible extension. But is an amount of 800.000 baht in a Thai bank account also enough?

What are the options for me for a long-term visa?

Reaction RonnyLatYa

If you still want to stay in Thailand for a longer period of time, it is best to first apply for a Non-immigrant O (Retired) Single entry. Can now go online.

This gives you a residence period of 90 days upon arrival.

At immigration you can extend those 90 days by a year. This is possible with a bank account of 800 Baht.

You can then repeat this extension annually. Make sure you are in Thailand of course and if you leave Thailand first ask for a Re-entry. This way you will no longer have to apply for a visa in the future if you want to return.

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