Questioner: Louis

I have a year extension based on Thai marriage. I have to make my first 16-day report on April 90. I applied for my year extension in Roi Et, because my Thai wife has a house there. But we have been staying in Bangkok for several months (rented a condo for six months) because we do not yet know where we want to live permanently in Thailand.

My first question is: should I report in Bangkok or Roi Et? My second question: I understand that you can also report the 90 days online, but I read on Thailandblog that this is not possible the first time? I don't read that on the immigration website, or maybe I didn't look closely. An online report would be much easier for me, instead of possibly having to travel back from Bangkok to Roi Et for the 90 day report.


Immigration Bureau

“The online service do NOT support if:

– There have been a change of new passport.

– The foreigner have to make the notification in person or authorizes another person to make the notification at the immigration office located in the locality in which the foreigner have taken residence. After that, the foreigner can make the next 90 days notification by online service.”

This means that you or someone in your place must make the report at the immigration office where you live/stay. As long as you have not provided that address in Bangkok to the immigration office there, your residence address for immigration will still be Roi Et. You can then make the following reports online.

What you can do now:

– Try the 90 days online. Can you do 15 days in advance. You will immediately notice whether it works or not. You can already register. You will still need it in the future if you want to do that online.


– Go to Immigration Bangkok. Ask them if you can make the report there because you are on a tour or temporarily staying in Bangkok and the online does not work. There are immigration officers who will accept that and report you without a problem, but that will depend on the local IO.


– You can temporarily change your address as long as you stay in Bangkok.


– Contact Roi Et. They may also accept the 90-day notice by mail. Then ask for the correct address and service to which you should send it. There are immigration offices that accept that by mail.

Notification of staying in the Kingdom over 90 days – สำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเม ือง – Immigration Bureau


– You go to Roi-Et yourself of course…. Trip of a 500Km single I thought. Doesn't turn a Thai hand around and it is precisely the Songkran period. Good luck then 😉

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