Questioner: Bob, Jomtien

Why don't you advise emigrants to just let them enter with a tourist stamp for 30 days without costs. Then extend it as soon as possible at immigration by 45 days and start the procedure that leads to an O visa (without additional insurance).

In my opinion much cheaper and more effective to open a bank account for the required 800.000 baht on a fixed account and a savings account for normal money transactions. Saves a lot of travel and questions in The Hague or Amsterdam and perhaps the same in Belgium.

Reaction RonnyLatYa

1. Because I give advice on the normal way to be followed by foreigners. I know that there are many roads to Rome, but I am only giving the planned route to follow. And that is applying for a visa before you arrive in Thailand for stays longer than 30 days (temporarily 45 days).

2. A Visa Exemption (a visa exemption and no tourist stamp) is initially used for stays of a maximum of 30 days (temporarily 45 days).

3. Extension by 30 days (temporarily 45 days) is possible, costs 1900 Baht but is not a right.

4. Converting from Tourist to Non-immigrant costs 2000 Baht is possible, but can also be refused.

5. To convert from Tourist to Non-immigrant, you will also have to meet the same financial requirements in Thailand as with an annual extension. If you use a bank account, you will first have to have or open it, which is not always obvious with a Tourist these days.

Currently, no 40/000 insurance is required for the conversion, but is that a problem for the Dutch with their health care system that also covers Thailand? In Belgium for a Non-immigrant O it is not asked as far as I know.

6. I will continue to give advice about the normally planned route, whoever the applicant is.

Which is not to say that I haven't explained that procedure yet. Several times even here on the blog and those who follow it will have read it several times. Those who want to use it can do so, but in case of refusal, that is also their full responsibility.

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