Zandvoort is preparing for a spectacular Formula 1 weekend, but the circuit has a rich past. In the 93s, the legendary 'Trophy of the Dunes' was central here. One of the drivers from that time, XNUMX-year-old Luc Toscani, is one of the last survivors. Documentary maker Ernst Daniel Nijboer traveled to Thailand to record his special story.

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The Formula 1 circus has returned to Zandvoort after an absence of 36 years. There, the battle for the world title between Max Verstappen and Lewis Hamilton will continue this weekend

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Today, tomorrow and Sunday, the whole of the Netherlands is under the spell of the Formula 1 Dutch Grand Prix on the legendary circuit of Zandvoort. But something you probably didn't know is that in 1948 the first Grand Prix winner at Zandvoort was a Thai, namely the legendary Prince Birabongse Bhanudej, better known as Prince Bira of Siam.

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