10 details about Thailand that you probably don't know! Thailand, a country that may immediately fill your mind with images of golden temples, white sand beaches and bustling markets. But do you dare to look further, to dig deeper? I invite you to explore the lesser known facets of this fascinating country. Let me take you on a journey to the unknown Thailand, a world full of hidden treasures and unexpected surprises.

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Who has experience growing orchids in Thailand?

By Submitted Message
Posted in Reader question
October 9, 2022

We have been growing orchids for a while now. That goes with ups and downs and before we invest more we would like to use the experiences of blog readers. I know that there are online groups of Belgians and Dutch people who are involved in growing all kinds of plants and vegetables.

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One and a half million orchids

By Joseph Boy
Posted in Flora and fauna
Tags: ,
10 August 2022

You could consider the orchid as the national symbol of Thailand. Cultivation in Thailand covers about 2300 hectares and is concentrated around Nonthaburi, Ratchaburi, Kanchanaburi, Ayutthaya, Pathunthani and Chonburi.

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The orchid and love life

By Joseph Boy
Posted in Background
Tags: ,
April 29, 2015

According to the ancient Greeks, the orchid guarantees a rich love life. The Maoris of New Zealand believed that the flower came from the rainbow. There is a nursery in Zaltbommel where the young plants are grown in 45 weeks into multi-branched, flowering plants. Joseph Jongen went to visit.

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Reader question: Where in Bangkok can I buy boxed orchids?

By Submitted Message
Posted in Reader question
May 2, 2014

I will go to Thailand again on May 11 and take home a lot of flowers every time at the flower market. This goes reasonably well by keeping them a bit wet on the way, but at home they are at most two weeks.

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