The Pheu Thai Party's recent decision to collaborate with parties involved in the violent military crackdown on Red Shirt protesters in 2010 may have surprised many supporters of the movement. Yet the spirit of the movement is far from broken.

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It was his promise to the people of Thailand that Prime Minister Prayut and his military government would make the Thai people happy. A recent Nida poll shows that he has not succeeded.

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Tino follows the Thai written media. (Thai television is owned by the government and armed forces, with the exception of ThaiPBS, and is strictly censored). He sees a turnaround in recent months. Where previously there was a lot of positive and neutral reporting about the junta, and the occasional critical note, it is now the other way around. He hardly reads any positive news anymore, some neutral reporting and a lot of negative news and especially comments. He therefore thinks that the regime is on its last legs. What is your opinion?

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