The Thai Embassy in Brussels has finally launched a new website. You can find them at this address Just take a look.

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Tips for a hotel near the Dutch embassy in Bangkok?

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November 24 2023

It's time to renew my passport again. Please provide recommendations for a hotel (including breakfast) near the Dutch embassy. Approximately 10-15 minutes walking distance.

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Richard Barrow has made 2 photos with a difference of 3 years on the place where the British Embassy used to be. It is a pity that such buildings have to make way for yet another Mall.

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Thailand Visa question No. 191/21: Which embassy can I go to?

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4 September 2021

I am B(ID), and officially live in Spain. So I am deregistered in the population register in Belgium. Now that I, as a Belgian, would have to go to Brussels or Madrid for a visa, I would like to know if I can apply for a visa in any Thai embassy?

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A passport is a document that must be handled with great care. In addition to being used when traveling abroad, it is also sometimes used as proof of identification. But in all cases it should never be issued.

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Since mid-June, travel advice has been relaxed for many European countries. But the situation remains unpredictable. Due to new outbreaks of the corona virus, some countries and areas also went back to 'orange'. What does that mean, and how is travel advice actually determined?

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Silent diplomacy in Bangkok

By Gringo
Posted in Background
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June 8, 2020

We know the problems surrounding the travel restrictions to Thailand, which of course affect "ordinary" tourists, but especially people who are stranded somewhere in the world when the entry ban came into effect. Foreigners with a Thai partner and possibly children could not and still cannot return to Thailand.

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Belgian Foreign Service on TV4

By Gringo
Posted in Expats and retirees
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May 20, 2020

Last week I saw an episode of “De Ambassade” on the Belgian commercial channel TV 4. It was already the eighth episode of a program in which officials of the Belgian foreign service are followed at their place of employment.

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The global development with regard to the COVID-19 virus has far-reaching consequences for the services provided by Dutch embassies worldwide, including external service providers such as the visa agencies.

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In collaboration with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the Dutch Embassy in Thailand, the Dutch Embassy in Malaysia is organizing a mission to promote and facilitate cooperation between Dutch companies and the Malaysian and Thai health sectors.

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Does anyone have any tips on where to park your car as close as possible to the Dutch embassy in Bangkok?

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Members of a bridge club in Thailand arrested?

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April 13, 2019

Last night I saw a program called De Ambassade on Veronica. There, all members of a bridge club in Thailand were arrested and put in jail for a night because they were in possession of more than 120 playing cards or allegedly played for money.

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Dutch people living in Thailand can participate in a study into the experiences with the services of the Dutch government abroad.

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There is a new tool for passports and ID cards on the Netherlands worldwide. The tool makes it easier for visitors to apply for a passport or ID card abroad (Thailand) or at a border municipality. Thanks to the tool, you can create a personal checklist online of the documents you need for your application.

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Also come to the NVT King's Day Free Market and share in the revelry on King's Day in Bangkok, prior to the embassy party in the evenings.

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I have state pension from the Netherlands and Belgium. Do I now have to go to 2 embassies for my income statement annual visa? I have a Dutch passport.

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I have an appointment on 23/08/2017 at the Dutch embassy to apply for a new passport. If there are Dutch people in the Pattaya area and also need to be at the embassy, ​​they can ride for free. 

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Soon it will be time again to extend the Non-immigration (retirement) visa to be allowed to live in Thailand for another year. It was not entirely clear to me how to proceed with regard to obtaining the income statement, because from 22 May 2017 the procedure for applying for an income statement changed.

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At the beginning of April, I called for feedback for an update of the Schengen visa file. There have been several reactions to this on the blog and via e-mail. Thanks for that! I am now setting up the file and I do not yet have all the information that I want to include in the update. Further comments, questions, etc. are always welcome! Comment below or email the editors via the contact form here on the site.

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I'm not that great with the computer so I'm asking for your help please. Do not manage to make an appointment with the Dutch embassy via computer for legalization. My question is, who can help me? If yes, can it be done step by step because I am at my wits end.

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Contrary to the reporting in the Thailand blog article of July 15, which reports that it is possible to apply for a Schengen visa directly at the Dutch embassy, ​​this appears to be incorrect in practice after telephone contact, according to the embassy employee. I am referred to: Netherlands Visa Application Center Bangkok on Sukhumvit Soi 13 in Bangkok.

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I want to apply for a Schengen visa for my girlfriend and went to the website of VFS Global to see that everything has changed. Making an appointment at the embassy and paying through the bank is no longer possible.

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