After being closed for more than 6 months, the doors of the popular pool hall Megabreak will open again for pool enthusiasts.

The reopening of Megabreak is scheduled for Sunday, September 20, 2020 at 5pm, with a 6-ball tournament starting at 9pm.

The intention is that Megabreak will be open as a trial on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 5 pm and a tournament will be organized every evening.

The announcement of the reopening on Facebook has already generated a storm of more than 100 enthusiastic reactions. It is fair to say that most reactions come from players who want to come, but are not yet able to travel to Thailand due to travel restrictions.

It remains to be seen for the management how many pool players who reside or live in Thailand will report and whether the trial period can then be followed by a definitive opening.

Everyone is therefore welcome in Megabreak on September 20 to participate in the tournament, but if you just want to play a game of pool outside a tournament, that is of course also possible!

About this blogger

Bert Gringhuis (1945), born and raised in Almelo in the beautiful Twente. Later lived for many years in Amsterdam and Alkmaar, working in export for various companies. I first came to Thailand in 1980 and immediately fell in love with the country. Been back many times since then and moved to Thailand after my (early) retirement as a widower. I have been living there for 22 years now with my somewhat younger Thai lady Poopae.
My first experiences in Thailand as a kind of newsletter sent to family, friends and acquaintances, which later appeared under the name Gringo on Thailandblog. Many, many articles followed those first stories and that has grown into an almost daily hobby.
In the Netherlands still an avid footballer and football referee, but the years are starting to tell and in Thailand still avid, but the pool billiards is really of inferior quality, ha ha!

3 responses to “Pool hall Megabreak in Pattaya opens again!”

  1. whoops says up

    Dear Gringo,
    You will be happy as a fan of that game.
    That you missed this for so long and can now finally visit again and possibly participate can be read from your story.

    I wish you (all lovers of the game) many pleasant evenings. And that the manager decides on the basis of the turnover to continue these evenings.

    I myself will not visit the evenings. (I'm not a fan)

    Regards and have fun.

  2. Hans says up

    Finally a positive message. Good to read.

    Hope the test goes positive. Played a few tournaments during holiday(s) and was always fun. However, it will take me some time before Thailand will be possible again.

  3. Peter Belgium says up

    Greetings from Belgium. Very happy that Megabreak is opening again. Unfortunately not for me because Thailand won't let me in yet. I am relieved for all the pool players there in Pataya that they can go back to the best pool hall in the city. Have fun Gringo.

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