Dear Rob/Editor,

I want to bring my Thai girlfriend to the Netherlands for 90 days. My friend has her own money to pay for her 90 day stay here. A guarantee for her is then not necessary, only the provision of accommodation that she will stay with me during those 90 days.

Now my question is how much Thai Baht should she have on her Bangkok Bank account in order to be able to demonstrate this to customs in the Netherlands for her stay with me?

I know that the sites state that you must have € 55 for every day, but I would like to know how this is actually the case in practice.

I look forward to your responses.





Dear Eric,

It is not the customs (or tax authorities) but the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee which checks foreign nationals who want to enter our country. She may be asked by the KMar to show them one or all of the evidence that was part of the visa application. This also includes demonstrating sufficient financial resources.

In the event of an inspection, she will have to be able to show on the spot that she owns personal property and has access to 55 euros per day of stay. This can be a combination of cash, money in the bank and so on. For a stay of 90 days, the requirement is therefore 4.950 euros. Say 5.000 to make it easy. That is currently equal to 194.250 THB.

She must therefore be able to show the above mentioned both when applying for the visa and also upon arrival in the Netherlands. Of course, the checking officers don't want to see "weird" transactions (suddenly transferring large amounts of money can indicate a loan, fraud or criminal money, etc.) and want to make sure that she has access to that money during the stay. Then you meet the requirements. As I also advise in the Schengen file: make sure she has a (copy) of all papers/evidence that she submitted with the visa application.

Experiences at the border differ, one Thai tourist walks through without any hassle, the other has to show all papers from A to Z. If she has proof with her and can therefore also show sufficient money (in her bank account), she should be able to cross the border without any problems.


Rob V

NB: see also the downloadable PDF file here:

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