After photos of a Bangkok man, Manop Nuttayothin, 42, who has two beautiful wives, garnered attention on social media over the past week, the trio – and their nine children – have given numerous interviews to share their secrets to having a happy marriage in Thailand.

Valentine's Day

It all started when the second wife, Warissara Poksrichan, 32, posted photos of the three on Facebook on Valentine's Day, which were shared more than 6000 times. “People always brag about their husbands,” said Warissara, “well, my husband happens to have two wives. We have been together for years and our love for each other has never changed. The only thing that has changed is the size of our tits, 600cc and 450cc.

Two women

Manop told local media that he originally had three wives, but his first wife “Dear” had died. She bore him three children. He has lived with his second wife Warissara for over a decade and at some point after that, Nattaya Tongpan, 26, joined the couple. The two women also each have three children from him.


The two women help Manop sell car parts at major racing events in Thailand. Manop said he pays the two women a salary but refuses to say how much he gives them.

Warissara said with a smile, “That's true. He gives 100 percent to the children. For the women, if we ask him for 1000 Baht, he will give us only 200 Baht.” Nattaya adds: “It's not about money. He mainly invests in the children.”

Happy man

Manop admits he is a lucky guy to have had three wives. “The secret of a happy marriage is that I resolve conflict immediately. If there's a problem, I talk about it that same day. Sometimes it happens. I will overlook something and realize that I have treated one woman better than another. If I find this to be a problem, I make sure to treat the two equally. We do the same things. We do everything at the same time. That is the best."


Warissara said she focused on building a home for her husband, Nattaya, and the nine children. The women never have problems with each other. She said: “My husband is an honest man, very attentive and hardworking. It's all about understanding. We love eachother. We care about each other. That's why we're happy. I really believe it,” said Warissara.

Source: Coconuts Bangkok – Photos: Coconuts Bangkok

About this blogger

Bert Gringhuis (1945), born and raised in Almelo in the beautiful Twente. Later lived for many years in Amsterdam and Alkmaar, working in export for various companies. I first came to Thailand in 1980 and immediately fell in love with the country. Been back many times since then and moved to Thailand after my (early) retirement as a widower. I have been living there for 22 years now with my somewhat younger Thai lady Poopae.
My first experiences in Thailand as a kind of newsletter sent to family, friends and acquaintances, which later appeared under the name Gringo on Thailandblog. Many, many articles followed those first stories and that has grown into an almost daily hobby.
In the Netherlands still an avid footballer and football referee, but the years are starting to tell and in Thailand still avid, but the pool billiards is really of inferior quality, ha ha!

10 Responses to “What's better than a Thai woman…? Two Thai women!”

  1. Khan Peter says up

    This man seems to be pretty well in the slack and that saves a sip on a drink of the women's nectar in Thailand 😉

  2. Pim says up

    If you have enough money, every woman will love you.

  3. john says up

    I already have a headache for part of the day, I don't want to walk with a headache all day ;)

  4. Wim Feeleus says up

    Two women? I remember a Biblical saying: One woman is a thousand men too many…

  5. Harrybr says up

    You know that story of Adam in Paradise, right? ?

    No ? Then here…

    God notices that something is missing in Adam: a woman.

    So, introduced to Adam, who looked a little watery.
    “well of course, you have no idea, so.. go and sleep under that apple tree, chase away that little, too snake, and I will give you some visions”.
    So proposed and done… Adam smiled one after another on his face.
    After waking up, Adam completely agreed with God. “Send me a few herds,” he suggested.

    “No,” was God's answer: just one.

    Adam strongly disagreed. OK, about 20-30 then.. He wanted one with black hair, with blond / brown / red hair, small boobies big boobies, slim and a bit less slim, tall and a bit shorter, wild and timid etc… God could argue all he wanted, but fell on deaf ears.

    God: I want a rib from you, and I'll make a woman out of it.
    Adam: Of course that is not possible at all… then after me all people will be wrong. Come on… two then…

    “OK, go under that apple tree one more time, I will send you the latest info-vision and then… as you wish…
    Adam grunted and…made all the horrible faces, shuddered, shivered, cried, and sobbed..

    Upon waking up, the discussion was brief: God, you are right, one is expensive enough.”

    (but you see… that last vision did not stick with everyone)

  6. Ben Korat says up

    I've had 25 Thai women for 2 years so I don't know what's so special about that? I also had 3 at first but the eldest married another man 20 years ago. After she first asked my permission to do so.

    Ben Korat

  7. Tino Kuis says up

    Well, they are certainly not rich. It must be real love........ Here two videos, the first 6 minutes, and the second 45 minutes, starts at 12 ': a conversation with the whole family on television with many jokes: wife 'He is out a lot '. Interviewer: 'Maybe he has a third wife???' Laughter, Thai humor.

    He is Muslim, the message says. But the women are very satisfied.

  8. Vimat says up

    In fact, I would also like a second wife, from mine, or the one I have now, I have almost no affection left, she is like a good sister to me.

  9. chris says up

    Perhaps it is not a bad idea that Islam in the Netherlands is getting bigger and bigger. You don't have to lie anymore why you go to Thailand on holiday or you just stay at home………..(wink).

    Not so long ago I read a story by an expert who predicted that a monogamous relationship would become one of the exceptions in the world. In addition to all kinds of apps that make short-term affairs and having more regular sex buddies much easier, there are also more and more people (see e.g. Japan) who (even at a younger age) are refraining from sex because the reality of a relationship is so much worse than the media and movies would have us believe. Not to mention that a growing group enjoys and settles for sex with a doll or robot.

  10. pw says up

    What does bigamy mean?

    One woman too many.

    And monogamy?

    The same.

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