The Danish/Thai documentary: Heartbound 'a different love story', is a film about the marriage migration of Thai women to a small village in Denmark. A universal subject but very personal family stories. Maartje gives an explanation after previous comments about this film.

I just wanted to clarify something given the reactions to the film Heartbound, there has indeed been a documentary about the main character Sommai from the same makers 'Ticket to Paradise', this is 10 years ago. From then on, the makers have followed her and all developments in the village and the migration of many other residents from Sommai, her native village, to Jutland/Denmark.

So it's extra interesting to see how this community has fared over the past ten years, hence the 'sequel' that will now be seen in cinemas from December 13th! The film has been beautifully shot, both in Europe and in Thailand, and shows in a penetrating way the beautiful and sad sides of marriage migration. Precisely because the makers slowly turned into a fly on the wall, they were able to capture many intimate moments, definitely worth seeing, so I wanted to point out the film to you and your readers.

Thanks in advance!


From 13 December in film theaters including:

DEN BOSCH • Verkade factory
THE HAGUE • Filmhuis The Hague
GRONINGEN • Groninger Forum
HILVERSUM • Film theater Hilversum
MAASTRICHT • Lumière Cinema
ROTTERDAM • LantarenVenster
UTRECHT • Filmtheater 't Hoogt

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2 responses to “An explanation by Maartje on the film Heartbound 'a different love story'”

  1. chris says up

    The film can also be seen for a fee on the website of the Dutch film houses {PICL.NL} from 13 December.

  2. Jacques says up

    The preview is promising. It is certainly a big step to move from Thailand to rural Denmark and you need to be made of the right stuff to survive and of course to have a better life in the end. The desire for these women for the home situation will always play an important factor and their motives further determine whether or not they succeed. I'm definitely going to watch this movie because I'm never too old to learn.

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