Today I received the following correspondence from the pension fund SBZ (Stichting Bedrijfstakpensioenfonds Zorgverzekeraars):

You do not need to send proof of life now. The board of SBZ Pensioen has decided to make a one-off exception for this year.

Perhaps interesting for those who receive a pension from this fund and who knows, more pension funds will follow this good example, given the current situation. Unfortunately, there is no information (yet) on this subject on the SBZ site.

Submitted by Puuchaai Korat

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4 thoughts on “Reader Submission: No proof of life to send”

  1. carpenter says up

    For both my pension funds, Aegon and PGB (Pensioenfonds Grafische Bedrijven), I did have to send them, but luckily I could also send them by email.

  2. KeesP says up

    Today I received a message from my pension fund with the form to sign the “certificate of life” by both a competent authority and myself.
    Don't understand why other funds wouldn't need it for this year though. What is different from other years? Due to Covid-19, the world is not completely standing still, so what could be the reason for this?

  3. Tony Uni says up

    I always received a form from the SVB in Roermond at the beginning of the year to fill in and have it signed at the SSO (in my case in Bangkok), but I have not received anything until now, not even a reminder!

    • Erik says up

      Ton Uni, then you missed an announcement. SVB will send the new forms later this year because postal delivery has been delayed due to corona AND you should avoid contact as much as possible. Don't worry, your turn will come!

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