Who has experience growing orchids in Thailand?

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Posted in Reader question
October 9, 2022

Dear readers,

We have been growing orchids for a while now. That goes with ups and downs and before we invest more we would like to use the experiences of blog readers. I know that there are online groups of Belgians and Dutch people who are involved in growing all kinds of plants and vegetables.

Who can help us with information?

Thanks in advance.



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3 Responses to “Who has experience growing orchids in Thailand?”

  1. Jos says up

    Hi Klaas,

    You cannot grow orchids yourself, you can take cuttings, this is the keiki, a new orchid that grows on the mother orchid, which you can carefully remove and plant in a new pot or possibly place on a piece of wood.
    You can also split orchids that have become too large, but you have to be careful with that.
    If I may ask what orchids do you have. Can you show some pictures, send me your email address and I can show you some pictures of my collection.

    my email [email protected]

  2. Marcel says up

    I have a background in flower and plant import and export, so please


  3. Marcel says up


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