Dear readers,

I read a lot about all kinds of lockdown restrictions for Thai and tourists in the red and dark red areas, but what about the areas where there are not so many infections. Is life there reasonably normal?

I ask this because I am planning a trip after my Phuket Sandbox. I don't necessarily have to go to Bangkok or Pattaya and then I can (hopefully) just keep my holiday.



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2 responses to “Thailand question: How are things in the non-red or dark red areas of Thailand?”

  1. janbeute says up

    In the area where I live, Lamphun everything is normal.
    Of course everyone has their face mask on outside the house, but large shops, shopping malls, restaurants, etc. are open during the day, but the 1.5 meter is also used here, also with the table and chair layout. However, when entering you have to make a fever scan with a cabinet on which you can immediately read the temperature, and there is a bottle with disinfectant liquid and you have to fill in a book, sometimes there is also a shop employee.
    Can also be done with the handphone after downloading an app.
    This certainly happens with larger businesses such as the Global House - Big C - Lotus - Makro and restaurants, with small businesses such as the local pop and mom shops, the local iron and building materials store, etc., it is often whoever lives who takes care of it.
    Not to mention the local kao Lao berets, 1,5 meters away and face masks what is that.
    The red and yellow buses drive tutuks the risky in the province capital each drive.
    Banks are open in the malls even on weekends.

    Jan Beute.

  2. Jan si thep says up

    It is indeed as Jan describes above for life outside the big (tourist) places.
    There is little going on in the village.
    The small shops at the large supermarkets are closed but will open again soon.
    Interprovincial bus travel will be possible again with limited capacity.
    Domestic flights are starting again.
    Please note: each province has its own rules regarding incoming travelers. From just proof of vaccination to quarantine. This can always change, hopefully more smoothly.
    I find it difficult to find the current correct information. I usually read the Thaiger and Bangkok Post sites.

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