Reader question: Do Thais love sweet and sugar?

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June 20, 2020

 Dear readers,

When I'm in Thailand I always notice how sweet many dishes are, especially the desserts and drinks. There is also often sugar on the table in a restaurant and it is even thrown into the soup, I have seen it myself.

Do they know in Thailand how bad all that sugar is and that you can get obesity and diabetes from it?

Why are they so crazy about sugar, is there an explanation for that?


Uncle Wim

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3 Responses to “Reader Question: Do Thai people love sweet and sugar?”

  1. ouch says up

    This is not only the case in Thailand
    that is in every country
    There is soda in almost every snack
    30 40 50 % sugar what do you actually eat
    And grab something with little or less sugar
    Is it usually as many calories as in those with sugar

  2. Jasper says up

    You call yourself “Uncle Wim”.
    I take the liberty of seeing behind it a man of years—not a young one. The biggest problems in the Netherlands in terms of obesity are among the generation that grew up with capuchins with hot bacon and a large piece of pork belly on the plate, because you needed those 6000 calories if you did physical work in the winter. Suddenly all kinds of delicious sweet and salty foods became available, and the heavy jobs fell away. Result: same eating pattern, obesity.
    Thai grew up with next to nothing. whole families shared a kilogram of rice, sauce and 1, I say 1 chicken leg. Foreigners came, economy grew, everyone got better and suddenly the KFC's, Coca cola outlets are flying out of the ground. Good times have come. Just enjoy.
    In the west we are on our way back, the Thai will follow later.

  3. Henk says up

    Sugar is wonderful to use a little bit of in food, including in soup. That "finishes" the herbs. I do myself when I cook Asian (which often happens). It depends on how much sugar you use in total whether it is a problem.
    Thais do indeed love sweet treats, but don't forget the Dutch either. Cakes, filled cakes, etc. also contain approx. 40% sugar.

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