Dear readers,

Are there Dutch and/or Flemish people living in the province of Sakaew/Sakaeo? And who would like to meet each other and be able to communicate in Dutch again?

I myself am now 65 years old and have been living in Thailand as a pensioner since the end of 2015. Near the border with Cambodia in the village of Ban Pa Song Ta Phraya municipality about 50 kilometers from Aranyaprathet. Together with my Thai wife we ​​have a small farm of 7 rai. There we naturally grow rice, vegetables, herbs and fruit for our own use. We also have laying hens and ducks there.

I myself have worked in education for almost 40 years from the shop floor to the top. My wife has worked in a plant/flower breeding company in the Netherlands for about 15 years.

We speak Thai and Dutch at home.

If you are interested, please contact me: [email protected] or through Messenger.



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4 responses to “Reader question: Dutch and/or Flemish people living in the province of Sakaew?”

  1. eugene says up

    My partner is from Sakeo. I fear that few Belgians or Dutch live there.

    • Rob says up

      Where does she live in Sakaew? And do you ever go there?

    • Rob says up

      Where does your partner live in Sakaew province and do you sometimes go there?

  2. paul+schor says up

    hi natrita do you still live near pong phayao
    I am paul and we have been in contact in 2019 if you are still interested
    can you call me on nr0622848011 gr paul

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