This week, farmers from the Northeast who grow cassava protested against a ban on the three dangerous pesticides. Director Voranica Nagavajara Bedinghaus, of the Thai Agricultural Innovation Trade Association (Taita), threatens to go to the administrative court if the National Hazardous Substances Commission decides to ban the pesticides next Tuesday.

He says he understands that the chemicals are dangerous, but wants better information for farmers on how to use them safely. An immediate ban is not correct.

According to Bedinghaus, there are no alternatives to paraquat (weed killer) and glyphosate (pesticide) in terms of effectiveness and cost. According to him, many farmers will go bankrupt due to the higher costs resulting from a ban. In addition, the government would have to pay 10 billion baht to buy back and destroy the 40.000 tons now being stockpiled. This also applies to the 10.000 tons that farmers have in stock.

Source: Bangkok Post

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Known as Khun Peter (62), lives alternately in Apeldoorn and Pattaya. In a relationship with Kanchana for 14 years. Not yet retired, have my own company, something with insurance. Crazy about animals, especially dogs and music.
Enough hobbies, but unfortunately little time: writing for Thailandblog, fitness, health and nutrition, shooting sports, chatting with friends and some other oddities.

10 responses to “Proponents of dangerous agricultural poisons in the counterattack”

  1. Marius says up

    Of course I don't know what the farmers in Thailand use to control weeds. But one thing I do know. Paraquat and glyphosate are both weed killers. Even in the Netherlands, the ban on the use of Glyphosate has been postponed. Last year it was almost no longer for sale, now plenty again.

    • It also concerns Chlorpyrifos, which is acutely toxic to mammals (rats), birds, fish and bees. Like many other organophosphorus compounds, it is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and can have effects on the nervous system, resulting in convulsions and respiratory failure. Recent research indicates that chlorpyrifos may be more dangerous to the unborn child than previously believed. It turned out that these children have a different brain structure than children who did not receive the drug. In particular, the areas that regulate emotion, impulse control and concentration were smaller than in a normal child.

      Mahidol University in Thailand has already found residues of the agricultural poison in babies' umbilical cords. Farmers who use the pesticides become ill and some weeds are already resistant to this poison, which means that more heavy spraying is required.

  2. Jacques says up

    It is a hassle with crop control and not only in Thailand. Farmer's protest also in the Netherlands, where there are even those who have poisoned themselves without initially knowing about it.
    Information is certainly important, but the government also has a task to intervene in sectors where things are not going well. However, with transitional arrangements and deadlines that are realistic. Financial support will also have to be provided because many cannot do this alone. That is no different in Thailand. It is about your livelihood and should therefore be done in good consultation.

  3. Geert says up

    It's already five past twelve.
    The sooner the total ban comes, the better.
    The results of the many studies on this subject can no longer be ignored.
    These products threaten public health.

  4. janbeute says up

    I myself sometimes use glyphosate from Monsanto or Bayer Basta, among others, on our property, so in moderation.
    Usually we mow the grass and weeds.
    But I never use the paraquat, because it is a dangerous substance, even if it comes into contact with the skin, wash it many times immediately.
    Neighbors of mine all Logan farmers often work with this weed killer, you can see it immediately the next day the grass and weeds quickly discolor.
    With glypho products it usually takes 3 to 4 days when results are visible.
    Outsiders talk easily but try being a farmer here in Thailand what is the alternative.
    Another reason why they use paraquat is that it is dirt cheap compared to a glyco product.

    Jan Beute.

  5. Khun Fred says up

    It's actually unimaginable.
    Willingly and knowingly use a product or products that have such a tremendously negative effect on nature and humanity and then use excuses.
    Not the government is responsible, but man himself.
    If that hasn't sunk in after all these years and we just have to show understanding, then we'd better choose another profession.
    And I'm not just talking about Thailand, but worldwide.
    Every government talks about what we leave behind for our children.
    Take your responsibility and apply changes step by step, instead of waiting for the neighbor or the government to take you by the hand.
    For every problem there is a solution, if only we want it.

  6. l.low size says up

    As a consumer in Thailand, pay close attention to what you buy and where you buy it!

    Thai export food products are not allowed in Europe without inspection!

  7. Martin says up

    What's wrong with the old-fashioned hoe? When I'm in Thailand I never see a farmer on the land during the day. Of course it is no fun to hoe at temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius. However, more people work in Thailand at those temperatures, just think of the road builders. You've probably seen them at work. Moreover, the Thai are used to these temperatures.

    • RonnyLatYa says up

      I don't live in Isaan, so that can make a difference, but here in LatYa the farmers also work during the day.

  8. Chris from the village says up

    Then I wonder, what did they do 100 years ago,
    or all the time before that,
    when there were no weed killers.
    There is no poison in my garden, I already have more than 1500 banana plants
    and in between ginger , Thai potatoes and other fruits and vegetables .
    And for those weeds, I'm working with a sickle every day,
    to remove it. It's not as easy as spraying poison,
    but I can eat my fruits and vegetables without fear.
    I think , rather harvest a little less without poison ,
    then harvest more and get sick from what you eat!
    I hear here every week that another person has died of cancer
    and was only 40 or 45 years old.
    Is it worth it for a little more money that you will die sooner ?

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