Reception Dutch Embassy Bangkok

The reception yesterday in honor of the abdication of Queen Beatrix and the inauguration of King Willem-Alexander at the Dutch embassy in Bangkok was massively attended. The turnout was therefore above expectations with more than 1.000 interested people.

Earlier, the embassy decided to close the possibility for registration because, for safety reasons, no more guests could be allowed on the site.

Although the meeting also had a clear formal side due to the presence of foreign and Thai representatives and representatives of the Dutch international business community, the atmosphere was festive.

The entourage was again perfect. The beautiful garden at the embassy is very suitable for this kind of meeting. At exactly 18.30 pm, our ambassador Joan Boer kicked off with a speech in which he again emphasized the friendly ties between Thailand and the Netherlands. After the national anthems of both nations, those present could follow the events in Amsterdam live on two large screens on the grounds.

Food and drink were plentiful. Even an ice cream stand for the kids. Thai visitors were introduced to typical Dutch snacks, including cheese and poffertjes. Incidentally, there was also a lot of Thai media present to portray this party.

If there are any Dutch people who are afraid that their tax money will be wasted in this way, the reception was made possible by corporate sponsors.

I myself enjoyed getting to know a number of people, including Chris de Boer, lecturer in marketing and management at Silpakorn University, who has been writing interesting articles for Thailandblog for some time now. In the conversation with him it became clear to me once again that when you actively participate in society in Thailand, for example because you work there, you still come to different insights.

Dutch in Thailand

The Dutch in Thailand who decided to stay at home have of course celebrated this special event in their own way. We received the following text from our reader Cor van Kampen by e-mail:

“Dear Editors,

It's already 20.35:XNUMX PM when I send this.

Perhaps you will have an article ready before tomorrow about the coronation of our new king. I just want to write down my experience. What I didn't expect is that the Thai people in my neighborhood came by tonight and watched Alexander's coronation on TV. Of course there were also blue blood and of course for Thailand the Prince and the Princess. They enjoyed everything on the TV. They all came to express their support and especially how beautiful everything was in Amsterdam.

Of course also in the picture the wonderfully beautiful Amstelhotel where the Thai family spend the night.

I was quite impressed with it.”

About this blogger

Peter (editor)
Peter (editor)
Known as Khun Peter (62), lives alternately in Apeldoorn and Pattaya. In a relationship with Kanchana for 14 years. Not yet retired, have my own company, something with insurance. Crazy about animals, especially dogs and a lover of good music.
Enough hobbies, but unfortunately little time: writing for Thailandblog, fitness, health and nutrition, shooting sports, chatting with friends and some other oddities.
My motto: "Don't worry too much, others will do that for you."

14 responses to “Mass turnout reception Dutch embassy Bangkok”

  1. RonnyLadPhrao says up

    As a Belgian I wish to congratulate you on the new King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima. I wish them a long, happy reign.
    I wish Princess Beatrix a well-deserved rest after 33 years as Queen.

  2. RonnyLadPhrao says up

    Yesterday I followed the ceremony via BVN and I have a question that keeps haunting my head.
    Maybe I missed the explanation but still…

    What was the purpose of the crown and scepter that were displayed in the church?
    They came in with the Constitution. It was placed between the crown and the scepter and then taken away again. The crown and scepter remained untouched all the time.
    Actually, I had hoped that the King would be crowned, but both were still exactly in the same place as at the start.
    I've always wondered why they were there.

    • Peter Yai says up

      Dear Ronny,

      It is not a coronation but a tribute and the crown and scepter are only as objects of dignity.

      Sincerely, Peter Yai

      • RonnyLadPhrao says up

        Peter and John.

        Thanks for the statement.
        I was just curious about the reason.
        Too bad because it is ceremonial and a coronation has something I think.

        In Belgium, at least, we don't have to ask ourselves that question – we simply don't have a crown.

  3. Johan says up

    I think the crown and the scepter are only present as a symbol at the ceremony.
    A King or Queen in the Netherlands has long been inaugurated rather than crowned . The constitution is inscribed because one actually takes the oath or affirmation on it.
    This is the way I've always understood it, if there are people who have a better explanation I'd appreciate it. Johan

  4. Colin de Jong says up

    For me it was also an impressive coronation ceremony on a big screen that was celebrated all over the world, but also in the major cities in Thailand where an estimated 20.000 thousand compatriots reside. Attended the party in Pattaya, which was excellently organized by the Dutch Association of Pattaya, under the inspiring leadership of their new chairman Huub van Zanten, who had been working on this for months. I again met many good and old acquaintances from all over the world, and saw this orange party as a pleasant meeting and beautiful togetherness of our compatriots in Thailand. Thanks to Heineken who served free beer from 18.00 pm through their sexy promo girls. Thanks also to Nestle who provided the free ice creams. Joma snacks and the Tuliphuis provided an excellent buffet under their new catering name J&T, and the SWING FEVER BAND, who came over from Holland, made the party with well-known hits from the past a successful and unforgettable happening .

    • Gringo says up

      Totally agree with you, Colin. I was also with my wife, son and daughter at the King's Day celebration in the beautiful location of the Varuna Yacht Club.

      Compliments to the Dutch Association for the excellent organization, the excellent buffet, the beautiful nostalgic songs of the choir and, of course, the Swing Fever Band. It's been years since I've danced so much!

      My wife thought the location was nice to occasionally visit the beach and the restaurant for an afternoon. Upon inquiry at the reception, it turned out that it was possible, but only if I became a member of the club. Cost? “Only” 60.000 Baht per year! Well no, then go lie somewhere else on the beach.

  5. Jacques says up

    It has been a fantastic day in the Netherlands. With 3 princesses in a leading role. And a lot of orange. In the picture I only see men in dark suits. Khun Peter, you had at least an orange bow on, didn't you?

  6. willem says up

    Dick v/d Lugt:
    Have a good trip to Holland. And you're right on time for “THE NEXT HOLLAND”! Will I still see you “OP-SCHEVENINGEN”?
    Thank you for your nice Thai stories!
    Now a story about the Scheveningen harbor and the Keizerstraat?
    Regards: William.

  7. heart says up

    What I understand about an investiture and a coronation is the following:

    It was an inauguration yesterday.

    A coronation has a political and religious character.
    An inauguration is constitutional
    In the Netherlands it is a constitutional event because in the Netherlands state and church are separate.
    Because it is not a coronation, the crown is never worn on the head
    England is the only remaining European country to have had a coronation in the last century.

    fr.g. Cora

    • RonnyLadPhrao says up

      Cora thanks.

      Apparently they also had that question at the VRT, because I also heard the same statement on BVN last night in the program Cafe Corsari.
      Would they secretly read TB at the VRT and have picked up on my question? (just kidding)
      For the occasion, this Flemish program had a Dutch and Orange touch with Rob DeNys and Willeke Van Ammelrooy, among others, and can still be viewed this afternoon at 1230 Thai time. This aside for the enthusiasts.

      Indeed, the explanation can be traced back to religion.

      Actually stupid of me not to think of Wikipedia earlier because everything is described in detail there.

      Nevertheless, thanks for your responses.

      • chris&thanaporn says up

        Dear Ronnie,
        I can assure you that about 3 years ago the editors of VRT read Thailandblog.
        Was there then for an interview for "Flemish in the World".
        I think some editors still read it today?
        Greetings from CNX from Chris&Thanaporn

  8. cry the gardener says up

    I was also present at the great well organized party of the NVP. kudos for that, I had some people with me who were a bit negative, but that soon passed. I especially enjoyed the fantastic band and sang along with Bart Hazes, in addition to the too few men of the new SHANTY CHORUS. Also Colin, gave another nice Rock & Roll show. the food was also really tasty, for example what I ate, you will notice that some professionals have been working on it. I found cloves and black peppercorns, with the red cabbage and the hachee, indispensable in this dish. Well cared for Matthieu and Tik!!! Drinks were also plentiful and I hope the Heineken girls were well tipped when they also supplied the tables with beer. location was fine, but seems too expensive to hold the next New Year's party there, Now a beer before 10am cost 100 baht and that's just way too expensive for most people. And sipping, I hate it.

  9. cry the gardener says up

    10 am , should be 18 pm sorry , I have no idea what time it went on, I saw div. .people, for whom it was time to return home.

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