The downfall of a PAO candidate

By Klaas Klunder
Posted in Living in Thailand
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December 8 2024

The pickup trucks with sound systems and billboards are driving back and forth in the village again, elections! That reminds me of the adventures of a college friend of Nui, named Surian. Nicknamed Joy.
Joy was successful in life, nice job as a teacher, successful shop of his wife. He also liked to show that. Big SUV, big BIG bike and a nice house. So big all.

To top it all off, he wanted to run for a PAO seat. In doing so, he had to compete against a sitting veteran, an older woman with a lot of experience and relationships.

Such a plan costs a lot of money. All villages filled with billboards, a month of pick-ups with sound systems driving around in all villages, multiple meetings for the villagers with plenty of food and drink and of course 300 baht per person to live on. Selected villagers are brought by truck to a central location. For all villages in the tambons that fall within the electoral area, and that area is large. The total is estimated at 20 to 30 million baht, borrowed from the bank with collateral from all assets.

The opposing candidate proposed to enter into some kind of collaboration, to avoid costs. The friend would then play a kind of second fiddle, with a larger relationship pattern over time and therefore a better chance at the next election. But our friend Joy sees everything big and so he wanted to go for the ultimate, and now!

Finally, the elections were there and Joy lost big. The bank quickly knocked and demanded interest. That caused problems. To make a long story short, Joy lost everything, SUV, Bike, house and wife. Now lives with family and works to pay off the huge debt. Comforts himself with buckets of alcohol. The question is how long he can keep his job given the alcohol consumption. Gambled and lost.
It can be.

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