Saying of the day:

Ignorance is the mother of happiness


sensual bliss

Giordano Bruno – Italian philosopher and priest 1548-1600


Almost every day I go swimming at Tong Nai Pan. There I draw 1 bay, from right to left, about a kilometer I think. Then I walk back on the beach to the starting point.

While swimming I reflect on my life, perhaps you could call it a meditative moment. In general a very relaxing event, although swimming today is not really a success.

Have to walk a long way into the sea before I can swim. Meanwhile I look straight through the clear water and inspect it carefully. It is the ocean after all, with a lot of life in it.

Then I am deep enough and let the salt water surround me, I do the breaststroke lazily. Why swim fast when you can also move forward slowly.

Suddenly a fish launches itself out of the water close to me, and it's not a small one either. Now I often see 'flying' fish that elegantly jump out of the water. But this was something else. It thrashed in agony. I quickly realize that if that big fish is afraid of something, it's probably a much bigger fish.

Helluuuuppppppp, I make a 90 degree angle and like a formula 1 car I race myself towards the coast.

After 30 seconds I know I'm alive and not eaten by a shark. The panic ebbs away and I decide to finish my swim. It's too delicious and I'm not so afraid.

But it doesn't get any nicer. If the first threat came from below, there is also danger from the right. A jet ski, it is never here otherwise, it will see me, won't it?

And from the left I am almost canoed over by a Thai who is on his way to his fishing boat with his elderly crew member. It looks like a highway.

I swim steadily on, until suddenly, anxiously close and above-behind me, I hear an irritating buzzing like a mosquito of 60 cm in diameter, which wants to land on my neck. It turns out to be a drone. It shouldn't get crazier. What's wrong with my beloved beach? I'm here for my rest.

Maybe it's the time of day, I normally swim a bit earlier in the day.

Finally I'm at the end of the bay, safe. Pfff it's over.

I decide to stay in the water a little longer. I deserved that, my swim today was not really relaxing. It is so beautiful here, the sun's rays shine more beautifully than ever on the surface of the water. It feels so pleasant, completely relaxed I float in the beautiful ocean.

The warm soft water gives me a sense of happiness and sensual bliss.

What I don't know at the time is that during my walk on the beach, back to the starting point, I see dozens of jellyfish washed up on the beach.

And if I sharpen my gaze, I also see them floating in the ocean…whole herds…..

About this blogger

Els van Wijlen
Els van Wijlen
My name is Els (1963) and since 2015 I live partly in the Netherlands and partly on Koh Phangan. I have a boyfriend in the Netherlands and I am a (reserve) mother for my children. I regularly work a few hours as a VA for the financial administration. On Koh Phangan my day starts with a nice breakfast and good coffee at Bubba's in Baantai, one of my son's coffee and brunch places. I love simple living, lazing in the hammock, colorful people, nature, scooter riding, swimming and dancing.

4 responses to “Landed on a tropical island: Quote of the day”

  1. Angela Schrauwen says up

    Dear Els
    I would have gone under in great panic at the thought of a shark…
    Fortunately you were able to avoid the jellyfish because I was once led to believe that a certain species is very dangerous “Portuguese ship” I thought.
    Very appropriate quote of the day
    Greetings Angela

  2. Jan Tuerlings says up

    The sea comes and goes. Life in it too.
    I also like to swim a km. in the sea. However, wear swimming goggles with a waterproof swim mp3 player. Wonderful, the swimming rhythm e
    My breathing and the music make this event almost a meditation. The good thing is that I can continue to see things. Above and below. Keep on going, enjoy. !

  3. John 2 says up

    Deadly box jellyfish

  4. Maryse says up

    Els, because it ends so well I dare to say: wonderful story! Thank you.

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