Sweet memories

By Joseph Boy
Posted in Travel
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April 23, 2022

In fact, the title of my story could also carry the headline 'You experience all kinds of things in Thailand'. But this aside.

Enjoying my pension for many years now, I flee the winter period in the Netherlands every year and the journey usually starts in early January with the purchase of a return ticket from Amsterdam to Bangkok to be able to enjoy spring at home again at the beginning of April. Unfortunately, and I am undoubtedly not the only one, I have been biting the familiar for two years now.

Yet the Lord above in heaven has certainly supported this unbeliever this year so as not to let the cold descend too much upon him. A true victory. Have asked two ladies who approached me on the street at Easter to convey my heartfelt thanks to heaven. Showing respect for believers is in my brain, but unfortunately that is not always mutual. Subjects such as euthanasia, abortion and transgenders remain an unpalatable subject for certain religions. In my view, not the slightest respect for fellow human beings who were born with different feelings or who have a different opinion about termination of life.

We go on a journey and let everyone be free in their opinion.

Was browsing through my photo collection on my computer today and came across some photos that put a smile on my face.

Go reveal a fun incident.

Watch the whole thing pass before my eye. Sitting on a small terrace on the river, quite honestly I really don't remember exactly where it was, I watched with an amusing look at young children who dived into the river from the quay. The boys penis naked and the girls decent in swimwear. Yes, that's how it should be in Thailand and in many countries.

The most beautiful jumps were performed. Somersaults, and even a naked boy with a girl in a bathing suit, of course, on his back. From the terrace I experienced it all with a wonderful smile.

Anyway, I pull out my camera to capture the scene.

Most of the jumps were performed with great bravado and applause sounded several times from the terrace. But not everything goes according to plan, three boys go for a dive together and one of them goes wrong. Watch him painfully grab his manhood and as a guy I think I know what happened at the railing. The affair was captured with the camera at the ready.

In an attempt to dive into the much lower river with a graceful jump, it turned out that his 'suspension' came into contact with the bridge railing in a less pleasant way and, clutching his manhood in pain, the boy ran away fast.

Had to think back to a story by Wim Daniëls who wrote in a light-hearted article: “A mistake has already been made in the creation of man. The suspension of the testicles is uneven and with regard to the male genitalia - in whatever position - it is hardly possible to speak of a real design. That jerk has become a swear word says more than enough in this context.”

With all that suffering, I had to sit on the terrace and sipping my drink to look at the pictures taken on the camera. A little later I see the same boy with a cheerful face returning to his mates. Call him to come to me, but somewhat shyly he walks naked to his club of friends where he is warmly welcomed.

From the terrace, have a waitress deliver a few cans of soda to the water splashers who are still present. Loud cheers follow.

About this blogger

Joseph Boy

3 Responses to “Sweet Memories”

  1. Van Windeken's Michel says up

    Apparently the Lord above has chosen you to have the most wonderful photo reports made.
    Since you seem to believe a little in the "Creation" where the Lord above had no eye for the design of your tender protrusions, I must conclude that you are nevertheless an incredible photographer. The sweet treats with soft drinks to those slobs will definitely take you to heaven one day.

  2. Alain says up

    Nice story taken from life.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Rob says up

    Wonderful story. Can totally imagine how much you enjoyed this scene. Nice that you treated those who unintentionally gave you an unforgettable memory.
    By the way, living here in Thailand, I enjoy these so-called small events all year round and gratefully accept them as gifts.

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