Daily supplementation with two essential micronutrients can significantly improve the lives of seniors, according to Scandinavian research.

Older men and women who take a combination of the substances selenium and coenzyme Q10 daily can significantly improve their quality of life. This is shown by a recent study published in the scientific journal BMC Medicine. The research shows that these two substances have a profound effect on both the synthetic functions of the body and the metabolism.

The new study is a follow-up to the original KiSel-10 study, published in the International Journal of Cardiology in 2013. This groundbreaking study into the effects of selenium and coenzyme Q10 attracted worldwide attention at the time. Since then, 26 follow-up studies have been conducted to investigate the long-term effects and potential new insights. The latest findings, published in May, focus specifically on the influence of these supplements on hormone production and overall metabolism in older adults.

Positive effects on metabolism and quality of life

The recently published study showed that a daily intake of 200 micrograms of selenium and 200 milligrams of coenzyme Q10 over a period of four years has a positive and measurable effect on metabolism. The researchers also observed improvements in the quality of life of the elderly who took these supplements. This conclusion is based on analyses of blood samples from the 414 participants in the study, half of whom received the active combination of selenium and Q10, while the other half received a placebo. After four years, it was clear that the group that took the supplements showed significantly better results.

Selenium deficiency in the elderly

Selenium is well known to play an important role in supporting normal organic functions, but older people in particular seem to benefit from additional supplementation of this nutrient. Blood samples from participants showed that average selenium levels at the start of the study were only 67 micrograms per liter of blood, while the recommended daily intake according to revised guidelines in Scandinavia should be at least 75 micrograms for women and 90 micrograms for men. The participants who received selenium supplements therefore received sufficient amounts of this substance, which contributed to the improvement of their organic functions.

The organic functions that regulate our metabolism and thus control the cellular energy production in the body are crucial for a good quality of life. A well-functioning metabolism contributes to a better functioning of various bodily functions, which directly influences how well we feel.

What does selenium do?

Selenium is an essential mineral that plays an important role in various bodily functions. Here are some of the most important functions of selenium in humans:

  • Antioxidant effect: Selenium is an essential component of selenoproteins, including the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which acts as an antioxidant. It protects cells from free radical damage, which can lead to oxidative stress and thus to cell aging and diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.
  • Support of the immune system: Selenium plays a crucial role in strengthening the immune system. It helps in the production and functioning of white blood cells, which are essential for the body's defense against infection and disease.
  • Thyroid function: Selenium is important for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland. The mineral contributes to the conversion of the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) into the active form triiodothyronine (T3). A well-functioning thyroid gland is essential for regulating metabolism, energy production and hormonal balance in the body.
  • Fertility and reproductive health: Selenium plays a role in reproduction, especially in men. It is needed for sperm production and mobility, which can contribute to better fertility.
  • Heart Health: Selenium helps maintain a healthy heart and may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. This is partly due to its antioxidant properties, which help prevent inflammation and protect blood vessels from damage.
  • Protection against diseases: There is some research suggesting that adequate selenium intake may help reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as prostate, lung and colon cancer. Selenium may also help reduce the severity of autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's disease.

What does Q10 do?

Coenzyme Q10 (also known as Q10 or ubiquinone) is a naturally occurring substance that plays an important role in energy production and maintaining health. Here are the main functions of Q10 in humans:

1. Energy production: Q10 is essential for the production of energy in cells. It plays a central role in the mitochondria, the “powerhouses” of cells, where it helps convert nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main source of energy for cellular processes. This energy is crucial for the proper functioning of all cells in the body, especially in energy-intensive organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver.

2. Antioxidant properties: Q10 also functions as a powerful antioxidant. It helps neutralize free radicals, which can damage cells and contribute to the aging process and the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Through its antioxidant properties, Q10 helps protect cells and supports overall health.

3. Support heart health: The heart requires a lot of energy to function properly, which is why Q10 is particularly important for heart health. Research suggests that Q10 can help improve heart function, especially in people with heart failure, and can help reduce symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath.

4. Improvement of cognitive function: There is some evidence that Q10 may help support brain function, particularly as we age. By improving energy production in brain cells and reducing oxidative stress, Q10 may help maintain cognitive health and potentially reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

5. Support for migraine: Q10 may also be effective in reducing the frequency and severity of migraines. Research has shown that Q10 can improve mitochondrial function in the brain, which may help reduce migraine attacks.

6. Improving Skin Health: Q10 is often used in skin care products for its role in reducing wrinkles and promoting healthy skin. It helps fight oxidative damage and supports energy production in skin cells, contributing to a younger, healthier appearance.

7. Support of muscle function: Because Q10 is involved in energy production, it can help improve endurance and muscle function. Some research suggests that Q10 supplements can improve performance during strenuous physical activities and reduce muscle fatigue, especially in people with reduced Q10 production.

The body’s natural production of Q10 decreases with age, meaning that older people or those with certain health conditions may benefit from Q10 supplements. Q10 is generally considered safe, but it’s always wise to consult a doctor before taking supplements, especially if you’re taking other medications.

Selenium and Q10: a powerful team

Selenium and coenzyme Q10 work together as a powerful duo. Although the body can produce coenzyme Q10 itself, its production decreases as we age, which is why older people often have lower Q10 levels in their blood than younger people. Using the combination of selenium and Q10 as a supplement is therefore useful for older people, because these substances support each other and together contribute to an improved quality of life.

This study provides promising insights into how simple daily supplementation with the right micronutrients can contribute to a healthier and better quality of life for older people.

Source: 'Supplementation with selenium and coenzyme Q10 in an elderly Swedish population low in selenium – positive effects on thyroid hormones, cardiovascular mortality, and quality of life' Urban Alehagen, Jan Alexander, Jan O. Aaseth, Anders Larsson and Trine B. Opstad . BMC Medicine (2024) 22:191 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12916-024-03411-1

About this blogger

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Known as Khun Peter (62), lives alternately in Apeldoorn and Pattaya. In a relationship with Kanchana for 14 years. Not yet retired, have my own company, something with insurance. Crazy about animals, especially dogs and music.
Enough hobbies, but unfortunately little time: writing for Thailandblog, fitness, health and nutrition, shooting sports, chatting with friends and some other oddities.

2 responses to “Scandinavian study: Supplements with selenium and Q10 improve quality of life in the elderly”

  1. Peter (editor) says up

    If you don't want to take a selenium supplement, you can also eat 2 Brazil nuts every day. These are packed with selenium and it is also better absorbed by the body. Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002916523234851?via%3Dihub and also very good for improving your cholesterol levels: https://www.ergogenics.org/positieve-cardiovasculaire-effecten-handjevol-paranoten-houden-maand-aan.html

  2. Other says up

    Moderator: If you make a medical claim, you need to back it up with sources, otherwise anyone can say whatever they want.

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