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Organizes on Wednesday, August 17, 2022  Villa Orange a Dutch/Flemish evening. Starts at 17.00 p.m.

The evening will be graced with Dutch and Flemish songs. The music is provided by Rick de Singer and a colleague.

Villa Oranje provides tasty snacks and drinks are for your own account.

Let us know you're coming.

About this blogger

Editorial office
Editorial office
Known as Khun Peter (62), lives alternately in Apeldoorn and Pattaya. In a relationship with Kanchana for 14 years. Not yet retired, have my own company, something with insurance. Crazy about animals, especially dogs and music.
Enough hobbies, but unfortunately little time: writing for Thailandblog, fitness, health and nutrition, shooting sports, chatting with friends and some other oddities.

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