Issuance Schengen visas Thailand 2014, late notice

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Posted in Dossier, Schengen visa
May 10, 2015

On April 28, Rob V. wrote an excellent article on issuing Schengen visas for Thai travelers. For those who missed it, see here:

He wanted more information from the RSO about the decrease in the number of Schengen visa applications from Thailand. It took a while but the RSO has issued a response, they say:

“It is not clear what exactly caused the drop in the number of applications from Thailand. According to our statistics, this is a decrease of 2,8%. In 2014, fewer applications were made, especially in the summer months, compared to 2013. Cyclical developments may have an impact on the number of travellers. In addition, visas with a longer period of validity may reduce the number of applications.
No exact figures are kept with regard to the destination. On the spur of the moment and based on visa processing in the back office, this concerns approximately 40% tourists, 30% family/friend visits, 20% business visits and 10% other travel purposes (such as cultural exchange, study/training, sports, official visits, etc.)."

The figures on the type of destination do not deviate much from the general figures reported by Belgium.

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