Transfiguration (a poem by Saksiri Meesomsueb)

By Eric Kuijpers
Posted in Culture, Poems
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May 30, 2022



A clod of earth can go after the throw

burst; a thunderous explosion

The enemy flat on his face

Stands up again as if by spell


A wooden gun can kill you

If you pretend it's real

You kill a lot of enemies

But they still live by magic


Children pretend to be angry

A moment later, peace is restored

The bully bullies little ones to tears

The little ones tell Dad

That this hurt

But Dad doesn't know

The gun isn't real

Dad slaps bully on the head 

Enraged, and threatens him


Dad takes the wooden gun

And breaks it

Not knowing it was made of wood

But the bully sees it as real 

Like very real

And his hands want more

He sees real guns

Like wooden toy guns

The anger you brought

Changed the wooden gun

In his hand



Source: The South East Asia Write Anthology of Thai Short Stories and Poems. An anthology of award-winning short stories and poems. Silkworm Books, Thailand. English title: Change. Translated and edited by Erik Kuijpers.

Poet is Saksiri Meesomsueb, in Thai More information, Nakhon Sawan, 1957, pseudonym Kittisak (more). As a teenage student, he experienced the turbulent 70s. About the poet and his work, see elsewhere in this blog by Lung Jan:

About this blogger

Eric Kuypers
Eric Kuypers
Built in 1946. Nicknamed 'Running tax almanac' and worked in that profession for 36 years. Moved to Thailand at 55. Disability forced him from his family in Nongkhai to a house with home care and mobility scooter in Súdwest-Fryslân.

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