Tasting beer in Manila

By Joseph Boy
Posted in Column, Joseph Boy
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October 2, 2017

After a considerable walk through the old Spanish district of Intramuros, the Rizal Park and a visit to Fort Santiago, I am hungry for a beer.

To be honest, I'm not a real beer connoisseur, but I was surprised when I asked what beer was on tap at the Swedish-owned Smorgasbord & Bar. The text Craft tap beer on the shirts of the waitresses made me decide to do so. The young darling smiled at me and a few minutes later Joseph was presented with an array of beers in small glasses for tasting. One particular beer stood out, at least according to my taste buds. My choice is called Shut Up or: Shut up. So I did because there was nothing to complain about. A portion of shrimp and salmon slid down deliciously with a second blonde.

Manila Bay

As I noticed a little later, the two beers were of a heavier kind than expected. A good idea to let the alcohol escape along the bay on the water. While walking, looking out over the sea and the surroundings, you only notice how poor a large part of the population is. And we from one of the richest countries in the world keep complaining. Incomprehensible.

Tomorrow I will board the boat to Cebu at pier 4 North Harbor Delpan Tondo in Manila. Where is that port? Joost may know, but my taxi driver undoubtedly knows.

About this blogger

Joseph Boy

6 Responses to “Tasting Beer in Manila”

  1. nick says up

    When I visited the Philippines, there was a big battle in advertising between San Miquel Beer and Carlsberg. In that battle, the latter always advertised on giant billboards all over the country: 'Carlsberg probably the best beer in the world'.
    I always thought that was a bit of a weakness to promote your own product as 'probably' the best product, so that must be a thing of the past now I suppose, but probably Carlsberg was legally required to include that restriction in its advertising at the time .

  2. Fransamsterdam says up

    That Delano Pier I think is near Fort Santiago, just on the other side of the river. Fortunately there is a bridge.

  3. Fransamsterdam says up

    Depan yes.

  4. Antonius says up

    Betsy Joseph,

    I just got back from PH. Enjoyed Red Horse beer for 55 days, I drink about 4 liters / day with lots of ice. Good for the thirst but not for the night's sleep ha ha, Am now back in Turkey and will bear the price of 75 pesos / liter will go missing. But a bucket of San Michel on the terrace in Robinson place is also tasty and a fun activity .. Not expensive 5 bottles about 300 pesos.
    Watch out for those taxi drivers there. They definitely don't know streets. And they're happy to ride that meter with you all day.
    But have fun in Cebu.

    Regards Anthony.

  5. Peter says up

    The pier in Cebu is not far from the city center… Taxi about 100-120 pesos !!!!
    Watch out in the pier of those taxi Rats, who want a fixed price (or 2-3 times the meter price.
    Advice to walk out of the pier about 100 meters and take a taxi in the Hi-way.


  6. boonma somchan says up

    Ton do is one of the most notorious districts, but klong Toey squared

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