supplies in the rainy season

The Karen villages on the border with Burma have been virtually inaccessible by car for several weeks now. Due to the rainfall of the past few weeks, the water in the rivers is so high that supplies must be made walking and wading through the rivers.

The organizer of the relief effort, retired accountant Hans Goudriaan, even returned empty-handed on the last trip because the river water washed over the hood. Fortunately, the first phase of our assistance to the children in the village of Pakayor has now been completed.

The joint actions of the Lions Clubs IJsselmonde/ Hua Hin and Thailandblog have raised a total of 2350 euros (for the sake of clarity, the donations have been converted into euros in THB). Of this, 1495 euros was spent on things such as: a generator with petrol and jerry can, batteries, laying hen chicks with feed, cement, a new roof for the nursery, rice, coloring and drawing supplies, sleeping mats, packets of noodle soup and a DVD player ( for kindergarten).

The readers of this blog together accounted for 829,14 euros, the Lionsclub IJsselmonde for 1143 euros and those of Hua Hin for 377 euros. To be honest, I expected a little more from the readers of Thailandblog, although I am happy with the result. There is still 855 euros in cash for the second phase. Towards the end of the rainy season in September we will again take stock of the needs. We are thinking of a large first aid kit with accompanying course and refurbishing the hut and 'school' for the slightly older children.

About 400 Burmese refugees live in Pakayor, spread over 90 huts. When they go back to their own country, they are hunted down by the official Burmese army and shot. The Thai government turns a blind eye to improving living conditions, fearing that this will attract even more Burmese. The village has neither mains water nor electricity. The village, about 70 kilometers west of Hua Hin, is so far from civilization that mobile phones don't work there either.

In the Netherlands you can transfer donations to the bank account of the Lions club IJsselmonde, ING stating Karen Hua Hin. Hans Goudriaan is a member of the audit committee and therefore has a good overview of income and expenditure.
In Thailand please send your contribution to: Siam Commercial Bank Hua Hin account 402-318813-2 in the name of mr Johannes Goudriaan (local Thai bath account).

Donors are requested to email their transfer to Hans Goudriaan ([email protected]) and to which account, after which he will confirm your deposit (immediately after money has been credited). Unfortunately, it is not possible to deposit in the name of Lions in Thailand to open an account.

About this blogger

Hans Bosch
Hans Bosch
Almost 20 years ago, journalist Hans Bos moved to Bangkok. Almost from the beginning, he was involved in the birth of Thailandblog. As a journalist, he worked for Limburg newspapers and for the travel trade journals of what was once called Elsevier. Hans (76) has lived in Hua Hin for 14 years, with his wife Raysiya and daughter Lizzy. He was secretary and vice-chairman of the Dutch association in Hua Hin and Cha Am for about nine years.

1 response to “First phase of assistance to Burmese children in Pakayor completed”

  1. Peter says up

    I made my gift to the Lions club.
    I think many readers have done that.
    It's a great move and well done.

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