On Facebook I came across a nice story from Daisy Scholte and Patrick Boone, two Utrecht residents, who met Sallo Polak, who is active there with his Philanthropy Connections, during their world trip in Chiang Mai.

On their website All Day Every Daisy, where they publish stories about their travels, Patrick writes a story about Philanthropy Connections entitled “How a small gesture leads to an inspiring encounter in Thailand”.

Daisy and Patrick

Daisy Scholte, a freelance travel journalist, filmmaker and cookbook author, and Patrick Boone, who works in the Dutch book trade, conclude in August 2017

to leave home and hearth and exchange their ordinary, everyday life for a world trip. Their adventure started along the highway in Bunnik. They hitchhiked to Italy and then went by bus and train via Istanbul to Iran, on to Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar and end up for a rest break in Chiang Mai.

By traveling as much as possible overland and meeting people, they hope to collect beautiful stories. On All Day Every Daisy they share their inspiration for sustainable travel and tell about inspiring people, positive experiences and beautiful adventures.

Philanthropy Connections

In the aforementioned story “How a small gesture leads to an inspiring meeting in Thailand” Patrick tells about his meeting with Sallo Polak, the initiator of Philanthropy Connections. Sallo talks with great enthusiasm and love about the work he and his team do. “We offer Stepping Stones,” says Sallo, “We don't give large amounts of money to charitable projects and then lose track of them. We listen to the needs of the local organization, visit the projects and keep our sponsors informed. The money that the projects then receive helps to achieve the set goals. A 'stepping stone' towards the realization of the final goal.”

Read the whole story at this link: www.alldayeverydaisy.com/

This weblog contains several stories about Thailand and other countries, which also provide interesting reading material. Don't forget to look at the bottom of the link for "Want to know more?" and using the links where you can also learn how to become a Philanthropy Connections sponsor or donor.

Our own story about Philanthropy Connections can be found at this link: www.thailandblog.nl/goede-doelen/philanthropy-connections-chiang-mai .

I have been supporting Sallo Polek for several years with a small monthly contribution. Highly recommended!

2 responses to “A nice story about Philanthropy Connections in Chiang Mai”

  1. Neil Tammes says up

    We also have a warm heart for Philanthropy Connections and know Sallo Polak personally.
    The way Sallo and his team are committed to underprivileged children is admirable.
    We are convinced that donations are well spent, so we wholeheartedly recommend Philanthropy Connections! Just do it!

  2. Hello Polak says up

    Dear Gringo, Nel and Harry,

    Many thanks for your warm words and your very generous and ongoing support to our organization http://philanthropyconnections.org/.

    Many thanks also to you Gringo for writing this piece with the link to Daisy and Patrick's article.

    We continue to work very hard to give opportunities to disadvantaged children and others who find themselves in very vulnerable situations through no fault of their own and who also work hard to get out of it and build a dignified existence for themselves. We can really use all the help and are grateful for every donated euro, baht and dollar. We cannot do anything without the support of our donors.

    Many thanks!

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