Status is important in Thailand. Thais therefore like to brag about what they have or get from their farang husband or partner. The proposition is therefore that it is best to keep your Thai partner away from other Thai people because you will undoubtedly get questions why Lek, Bee or whatever her name is, gets much more (money) from her boyfriend than she from gets you.

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Compared to twenty years ago, flying is no longer a luxury. Often the seat space is very tight and you step out of the plane as stiff as a board. It has just become bus transport, the charm of yesteryear has completely disappeared. If you agree or disagree with this statement, comment and explain why.

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In Bon Café in Bangkok, a visitor had to pay 2.000 baht for the two hours that he had occupied a table. It caused quite a stir on social media. Hence the statement of the week: It is normal that you have to pay if you keep a table occupied!

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Emigration to Thailand does not exist is the statement of the week. You cannot permanently settle in Thailand. After all, you only get an annual visa for temporary stay. You can only extend your visa if you meet the visa requirements. For example, if you have insufficient income, you will have to leave Thailand again.

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Soi has listed the extremely limited increase in state pension since 2008. If, according to the many grumblers of pensioners, this is more than enough, one should realize that one is cutting oneself, that is his position. If you agree or disagree, comment.

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I am always amazed when I am in Thailand. Expats and retirees who want to live in Thailand but apparently not among the Thai. They choose to live on a Moo Baan and preferably with a very high wall around the complex, well separated from the angry outside world.

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Knowledge of Thai culture is no guarantee for a good relationship because more is needed, but it is an important condition to understand your partner. Hence the statement: A relationship with Thai can only succeed if you have knowledge of Thai culture. Discuss this statement and respond.

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In this statement, Khun Peter makes mincemeat of expats who are complaining and complaining that they have lost a lot of money to their Thai ex. Do you agree or disagree with the statement, tell us why and join the discussion.

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I still hear it regularly left and right; men who pay Sinsod for their Thai love. A tradition that is still common in rural Thailand but is no longer of this time.

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Soft healers make stinking wounds so a hard and direct approach to the problems in Thailand is necessary. Maybe an authoritarian leader like Prayut isn't such a bad option after all? Do you agree or disagree with this? Then respond to the statement of the week.

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The Euro has been declining for about four months. With this downward movement, the mood among a large number of retirees has apparently also dropped. There is grumbling and complaining. It is almost always the fault of the Dutch government, in short Calimero behavior: “They are big and I am small and that's not fair!”.

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Immigrating to Thailand sounds adventurous and exotic, but is it? Those who delve into the matter will see that you have many obligations, such as reporting every 90 days, but few rights. For example, you cannot buy land (a house). In short, you could conclude that emigrants in Thailand are a kind of second-class citizens.

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Anyone who talks to expats who have a Thai partner will sometimes hear: “My partner does not come from a bar!”. I met her at the hairdresser / 7-Eleven / on the beach / in a restaurant / in the waiting room at an STD clinic …… and so on fill in the blanks yourself.

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Readers' reactions often state that we should comply with Thai rules and customs and therefore should not complain because we are guests in this country. I absolutely disagree!

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Gringo has a new statement of the week and it's a rather bold claim: 'Thai women aren't pretty'. Of course he also explains that. You may agree or totally disagree. Also give your opinion and join the discussion.

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It always looks beautiful the rituals of the Thai that outsiders associate with Buddhism. But a spirit house or a sacred tree has little to do with Buddhism. Hence the statement of the week: 'Thai are not Buddhists but animists'.

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In principle, my statement applies to every country where mortgage loans are granted for the purchase of real estate in general and housing in particular. With this statement I want to make the (prospective) buyers of particular homes, also in Thailand, think.

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No, this statement does not come from a Dutchman, but really from a Thai. It is a remarkable statement from my Thai girlfriend. Read the article and respond to the statement: 'The Dutch are friendlier than the Thai'.

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With their overdriven and suffocating rules and urge to control citizens, the government puts pensioners quite a few spokes between the wheels. That is why this week's statement: the Dutch government invents too many rules for pensioners abroad. Join the discussion and give your opinion.

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A striking message in the media: A Western man was spotted protesting against the fact that more and more Thai women want to look like farang (Western) women. That is what this week's statement is about. Do you regret it if your wife or girlfriend transforms her appearance to a more Western appearance or do you think this is beautiful? Join the discussion and give your opinion.

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In the coming years, many Dutch emigrants will be forced to return to the Netherlands, because a stay in Thailand will become unaffordable due to a loss of disposable income.

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An important reason to return to your country of birth after emigration is homesickness. Yet I rarely hear an expat or pensioner admit that he is homesick. Is it shame? Hence the statement: Talking about homesickness for the Netherlands is taboo among expats.

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