Older Dutch citizens in Thailand and other countries can in some situations be exempted from the obligation to appear when applying for a passport, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in response to questions.

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Expats and pensioners in Thailand who want a new passport after March 9 will have to dig deep into their pockets. The travel document with a validity of 10 years will cost € 131,11.

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Good news for expats and retirees in Thailand. As of March 9, the Dutch passport will be valid for 10 years. This has been announced by Minister Plasterk.

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Dutch nationals who live in Thailand or in other countries outside the Netherlands can also go to Schiphol for a new passport or DigiD from Thursday.

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From 1 January 2013, Dutch people living abroad will pay considerably higher rates for their travel documents.

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The Dutch passport will be valid for 18 years if the applicant is at least 10 years old. These new rules will probably come into effect from October 2013.

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