Survey of airport in Satun

By Lodewijk Lagemaat
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December 11 2018


The Thai government is investigating whether expanding the number of airports is a viable option to boost trade and tourism. One of the possibilities is being investigated in the deep south of Thailand, in Satun.

Six million baht has been earmarked for the research of this project and will be completed in September next year. Especially tourism from Satun with neighboring Malaysia and trade could provide important development for this area.

Satun has several popular tourist spots such as the very beautiful Koh Lipe and Koh Tarutao. The editors recently devoted a post to this area: “The name Tarutao means 'old and primitive' in Thai. Although the latter is not necessarily the case, you will still find a piece of authentic Thailand here. You may know the island from an earlier broadcast of the television program 'Expedition Robinson'," the editors said. Part of the province was earmarked by UNESCO as Thailand's first Global Geopark last year. Beneath it are 550 millions of years old geological structures, which extend over an area of ​​2500 square kilometers: jungle and limestone mountains.

The province of Satun is therefore an interesting area to visit.

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Louis Lagemaat

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