Duties of Directors in a Thai Limited Company

By Eric Kuijpers
Posted in Background
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June 15, 2023

I read an article in Lexology about directors' duties in a Thai Limited Company.

What is a Limited Company? This is a company with a capital divided into shares, just like a BV in the Netherlands. Then you have duties as a director, and even directors' liability if you make a mess of it or commit fraud. This liability is both civil and criminal.

It is an interesting article and I can assume that anyone who is a director somewhere has acquired that knowledge. However?

I'm not going to dissect the article; I am not a lawyer, my profession was tax law. For those who are interested, I give it to read in this link:


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Eric Kuypers
Eric Kuypers
Built in 1946. Nicknamed 'Running tax almanac' and worked in that profession for 36 years. Moved to Thailand at 55. Disability forced him from his family in Nongkhai to a house with home care and mobility scooter in Súdwest-Fryslân.

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