Vážení čtenáři,

Chtěl bych informace o tom, že když začátkem června odjedu s Lufthansou z Bangkoku do Düsseldorfu, musím také jít do karantény nebo si mohu vzít taxi do svého bydliště v Heijen?

Děkuji předem.

S pozdravem,


3 reacties op “Lezersvraag: Van Bangkok naar Düsseldorf, moet ik in quarantaine?”

  1. Jos říká nahoru

    Op de iata website staat het volgende: (de link: https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/international-travel-document-news/1580226297.htm

    GERMANY – published 04.05.2020
    1.Passengers are not allowed to enter Germany.
    To neplatí pro:
    – nationals of Germany;
    – passengers with permanent residence in Germany obtained before Coronavirus (COVID-19) or with a D-Visa issued by Germany;
    – husband, wife, child and registered partner of nationals or residents of Germany;
    – passengers with evidence that their travel is to perform a professional activity, e.g., commuters, diplomats, nursing staff, food industry personnel, specialists;
    – passengers in transit to their home country, if there is no other travel option. The purpose of travel and the entry requirements for the destination and transit countries must be proved;
    – US military personnel stationed in Germany and their family members;
    – merchant seamen who are going to sign up on board or leave Germany for the purpose of repatriation.
    2. Passengers allowed to enter Germany must self-isolate and must proceed directly to their own home, or other suitable accommodation for a period of 14 days.
    – This does not apply to merchant seamen without Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms.

  2. Jos říká nahoru


    per land te lezen hoe en/of wat

  3. Henny říká nahoru

    Ben benieuwd of Lufthansa je meeneemt, of heb je ook een Duits paspoort? Kijk op de link van IATA wie Duitsland in mogen: https://www.iatatravelcentre.com/international-travel-document-news/1580226297.htm

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